
Hi my name is Brianna and I am 11 years old.  If you are looking for me you will probably find me at my computer on photoshop creating artwork, playing a video game, or reading Marvel comic books. I love everything comic book, star wars, and geeky.  I like to work with my hands and create things.   I take a character dance class as well as a Jazz Tap class, which is fun. 
I also like to listen to my mom read us The Lightning Thief series, as well as listen to The Harry Potter books on my ipod while I am doing art.  Some people call me quirky,  I think I'm just fun.  When I grow up, I want to be a special effects creator, editor or mom.




Unicorn                                             Lead - Unicorn
Inherited Insanity                              Lead-Sarah                                      KippyBop Prod.

The Closer                                      Violet Diskin                                     TNT
The Wiki Tiki Hut                             Principal - Bria                                  Rio Vista Universal
Secret Lives of Kids                        Featured                                           3 Ball Productions
Conflicts list available upon request
The Actorsite                                                                            Kimberly Krandall 
Young Actor Space                                                                  Patrick Day & Nora Eckstein
Biz Kids Class                                                                          Diane Christansen                            
Private Coaching                                                                      Diane Christiansen                             
The Red Chair School                        Current                                               
Jazz/Tap                                             Beginner
Character                                            Beginner